Homu retry log - cargo

Time (UTC) PR Message
2024-07-22 18:39:16 14279
@bors retry
2024-07-09 15:02:01 14217
Looks like a network error.

---- https::github_works stdout ----
running `D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\debug\cargo.exe fetch`
thread 'https::github_works' panicked at tests\testsuite\https.rs:163:10:

---- expected: tests\testsuite\https.rs:158:27
++++ actual:   stderr
   1    1 | [UPDATING] git repository `[https://github.com/rust-lang/bitflags.git`](https://github.com/rust-lang/bitflags.git%60)
        2 + [WARNING] spurious network error (3 tries remaining): [7] Couldn't connect to server (Failed to connect to github.com port 443 after 2689 ms: Couldn't connect to server)
   2    3 | [LOCKING] 2 packages to latest compatible versions

Update with SNAPSHOTS=overwrite

note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

@bors retry
2024-07-09 12:48:43 14217
This is the second time we got the error:

 ---- doc::doc_all_workspace stdout ----
running `D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\debug\cargo.exe doc --workspace`
thread 'doc::doc_all_workspace' panicked at tests\testsuite\doc.rs:1217:10:

test failed running `D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\debug\cargo.exe doc --workspace`
error: process exited with code 101 (expected 0)
--- stdout

--- stderr
     Locking 2 packages to latest compatible versions
    Checking bar v0.1.0 (D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1266\foo\bar)
 Documenting bar v0.1.0 (D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1266\foo\bar)

thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
error: could not document `bar`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --edition=2015 --crate-type lib --crate-name bar bar\src\lib.rs -o D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1266\foo\target\doc --check-cfg cfg(docsrs) --check-cfg "cfg(feature, values())" --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat -C metadata=40cc2bd6c0ac6116 -L dependency=D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1266\foo\target\debug\deps --crate-version 0.1.0` (exit code: 0xc00000fd, STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW)

`doc_all_workspace` contains two packages `foo` and `bar` and it didn't every start documenting `foo`.

The previous one is here: <https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/pull/14209#issuecomment-2216340197>.

@bors retry
2024-07-08 22:26:37 14210
@bors retry
2024-07-02 15:44:24 14173
This is a new one.

---- doc::doc_workspace_open_binary_and_library stdout ----
running `D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\debug\cargo.exe doc --open`
thread 'doc::doc_workspace_open_binary_and_library' panicked at tests\testsuite\doc.rs:1608:10:

test failed running `D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\debug\cargo.exe doc --open`
error: process exited with code 101 (expected 0)
--- stdout

--- stderr
 Documenting foo v0.1.0 (D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1308\foo\foo)
    Checking foo v0.1.0 (D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1308\foo\foo)

thread 'main' has overflowed its stack
error: could not document `foo`

Caused by:
  process didn't exit successfully: `rustdoc --edition=2015 --crate-type lib --crate-name foolib foo\src\lib.rs -o D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1308\foo\target\doc --check-cfg cfg(docsrs) --check-cfg "cfg(feature, values())" --error-format=json --json=diagnostic-rendered-ansi,artifacts,future-incompat -C metadata=4cabb6f925159d16 -L dependency=D:\a\cargo\cargo\target\tmp\cit\t1308\foo\target\debug\deps --crate-version 0.1.0` (exit code: 0xc00000fd, STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW)

Let us retry

@bors retry
2024-06-25 23:03:35 14145
Timed out again!

@bors retry
2024-06-25 19:38:50 14145
@bors retry
2024-06-21 00:40:03 14104
Network error?

---- https::self_signed_with_cacert stdout ----
thread 'https::self_signed_with_cacert' panicked at crates/cargo-test-support/src/containers.rs:104:14:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: process didn't exit successfully: `docker build --tag cargo-test-apache /home/runner/work/cargo/cargo/crates/cargo-test-support/containers/apache` (exit status: 1)
--- stderr
#0 building with "default" instance using docker driver
error: test failed, to rerun pass `-p cargo --test testsuite`

#1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
#1 transferring dockerfile: 818B done
#1 DONE 0.0s

#2 [auth] library/httpd:pull token for registry-1.docker.io
#2 DONE 0.0s

#3 [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/httpd:2.4-alpine
#3 ERROR: failed to authorize: failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status from POST request to https://auth.docker.io/token: 503 Service Unavailable
 > [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/httpd:2.4-alpine:
   1 | >>> FROM httpd:2.4-alpine
   2 |     
   3 |     RUN apk add --no-cache git git-daemon openssl
ERROR: failed to solve: httpd:2.4-alpine: failed to resolve source metadata for docker.io/library/httpd:2.4-alpine: failed to authorize: failed to fetch oauth token: unexpected status from POST request to https://auth.docker.io/token: 503 Service Unavailable

---- https::self_signed_should_fail stdout ----
thread 'https::self_signed_should_fail' panicked at crates/cargo-test-support/src/containers.rs:99:26:
previous docker build failed, unable to run test

@bors retry
2024-06-19 20:45:58 14110
@bors retry
2024-06-13 22:02:41 14063
@bors retry