This will create a new pull request consisting of 0 PRs.
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23 total, 0 approved, 0 rolled up, 0 failed / /
Sort key | # | Status | Mergeable | Title | Head ref | Assignee | Approved by | Priority | Rollup | |
1 | 15177 | Fix panic in `handle_code_action` | rust-lang:Veykril-patch-1 | 0 | ||||||
2 | 17830 | yes | Bring our TokenTree model closer to rustc's | Veykril:tt-model2 | 0 | |||||
3 | 18332 | yes | Granular handling for flycheck diagnostics | Strackeror:granular-flycheck-diags | 0 | |||||
4 | 18407 | Fix formatting on welcome page, read only paths setting example | hackervole:code-fix-welcome-setup-tips | 0 | ||||||
5 | 18458 | yes | feat: Add diagnostic fix to remove unnecessary wrapper in type mismatch | Giga-Bowser:master | 0 | |||||
6 | 18464 | yes | Test function imports replaced by module imports. | rwakulszowa:test-function-import-replaced-by-module-import | 0 | |||||
7 | 18466 | yes | Properly handle different defaults for severity of lints | ChayimFriedman2:proper-lint-severity | 0 | |||||
8 | 18484 | yes | Migrate `merge_imports` Assist to Use `SyntaxFactory` | tareknaser:syntax_factory_merge_imports | 0 | |||||
9 | 18517 | yes | fix: avoid hint items shadow local item from completions | CubeSugarCheese:pr-fix-auto-import | 0 | |||||
10 | 18524 | yes | minor: Migrate `(un)wrap_return_type` assists to use `SyntaxEditor` | Giga-Bowser:migrate-wrap-unwrap-return | 0 | |||||
11 | 18539 | yes | feat: Add `remove_braces` assist to remove braces from closures and match arms | Giga-Bowser:change-braces | 0 | |||||
12 | 18652 | yes | feat: Add an assist to extract an expression into a constant | Giga-Bowser:extract-constant | 0 | |||||
13 | 18653 | yes | Hash completion items to properly match them during /resolve | SomeoneToIgnore:hash-completions | 0 | |||||
14 | 18654 | yes | feat: Implement import ide layer handling | Veykril:push-mxywzmukqqyn | 0 | |||||
15 | 18656 | yes | feat: preserve order of parameters in extract_functions | roife:fix-issue-18639 | 0 | |||||
16 | 18657 | yes | minor: Migrate `generate_enum_variant` to `SyntaxEditor` | Giga-Bowser:generate-enum-variant | 0 | |||||
17 | 15795 | no | Convert manual to markdown/mdbook | joshrotenberg:mdbook-yolo | Veykril | 0 | ||||
18 | 16173 | no | Implement `gen` block and function parsing | mohe2015:parse-gen | 0 | |||||
19 | 18043 | no | Configure flycheck using workspace.discoverConfig | cormacrelf:feature/rust-project-discovery | 0 | |||||
20 | 18118 | no | feature: add the "Recursively add derive" assist | IvarWithoutBones:recursively-add-derive | 0 | |||||
21 | 18179 | no | feat: Allow excluding specific traits from completion | ChayimFriedman2:omit-trait-completion | 0 | |||||
22 | 18327 | no | Store token trees in contiguous `Vec` instead of as a tree | ChayimFriedman2:flat-tt | 0 | |||||
23 | 18565 | no | feat: convert unmerge_use to SyntaxFactory SyntaxEditor abstraction | davidkurilla:feat-migrate-unmerge_use-to-use-SyntaxFactory | 0 |