Homu queue - rust

This will create a new pull request consisting of 0 PRs.

A rollup is useful for shortening the queue, but jumping the queue is unfair to older PRs who have waited too long.

When creating a real rollup, see this instruction for reference.

618 total, 15 approved, 10 rolled up, 2 failed / /

Sort key # Status Mergeable Title Head ref Assignee Approved by Priority Rollup
1 124330 pending Rollup of 6 pull requests fmease:rollup-a98y7jf fmease 6 never
2 124344 approved Rollup of 5 pull requests matthiaskrgr:rollup-de726d8 matthiaskrgr 5 never
3 123550 approved yes Remove last rt::init allocation for thread info GnomedDev:remove-initial-arc Nilstrieb Nilstrieb 0 iffy
4 123794 approved yes More DefineOpaqueTypes::Yes oli-obk:define_opaque_types2 lcnr lcnr 0
5 123881 approved yes Bump Fuchsia versions erickt:bump-fuchsia tmandry tmandry 0
6 124281 approved yes fix weak memory bug in TLS on Windows RalfJung:win-tls joboet joboet 0
7 124327 approved yes CI: implement job skipping in Python matrix calculation Kobzol:ci-skip-jobs pietroalbini pietroalbini 0
8 124335 approved yes Stabilize `std::path::absolute` ChrisDenton:stabilize-absolute dtolnay dtolnay 0
9 123316 approved yes Test `#[unix_sigpipe = "inherit"]` with both `SIG_DFL` and `SIG_IGN` Enselic:sigpipe-inherit-variants fmease fmease 0 always
10 124282 approved yes windows fill_utf16_buf: explain the expected return value RalfJung:fill_utf16_buf ChrisDenton ChrisDenton 0 always
11 124308 approved yes Add diagnostic item for `std::iter::Enumerate` CBSpeir:diagnostic-item-enumerate jieyouxu compiler-errors 0 always
12 124322 approved yes chore: fix some typos in comments whosehang:master JohnTitor Nilstrieb 0 always
13 124326 approved yes tests: remove few ignore-stage2 klensy:ignore-stage2 pnkfelix compiler-errors 0 always
14 124333 approved yes Improve diagnostic for unknown `--print` request Urgau:better-bad-print pnkfelix fmease 0 always
15 124334 approved yes Strengthen tracking issue policy with consequences oli-obk:tracking-issue-policy fmease fmease 0 always
16 104342 yes Require `type_map::stub` callers to supply file information mweber15:add_file_location_to_more_types wesleywiser 0 never
17 106852 yes Only preserve DebugInfo in DeadStoreElimination if requested. cjgillot:debug-dse JakobDegen 0 never
18 111351 yes Prevent using the default `cc` when that'd result in a broken build ferrocene:pa-prevent-wrong-cc onur-ozkan 0 never
19 112372 yes Make function bodies with &! arguments unreachable saethlin:ralf-refs 0 never
20 115747 yes Optimize hash map operations in the query system Zoxc:query-hashes cjgillot 0 never
21 116123 yes Rewrite native thread-local storage joboet:rewrite_native_tls m-ou-se 0 never
22 117473 yes Move alignment checks to codegen saethlin:codegen-alignment-checks oli-obk 0 never
23 118149 yes Implement RFC 3127 sysroot path handling changes cbeuw:rfc3127-sysroot b-naber 0 iffy
24 119017 yes MIR-only rlibs saethlin:mir-only-rlibs 0 never
25 119650 yes Suggest ref mut for pattern matching assignment chenyukang:yukang-fix-118596-ref-mut wesleywiser 0 iffy
26 120589 yes std::thread::available_parallelism merging linux/android/freebsd version devnexen:cpuaff_fbsd_upd m-ou-se 0 never
27 120855 yes Introduce -Zsplit-metadata option bjorn3:split_metadata4 petrochenkov 0 never
28 121298 yes Set writable and dead_on_unwind attributes for sret arguments nikic:writable cuviper 0 never
29 121605 yes Mark all functions defined in compiler-builtins as nounwind nbdd0121:builtin Amanieu 0 iffy
30 121848 yes stabilize `-Znext-solver=coherence` lcnr:stabilize-next-solver compiler-errors 0 never
31 122186 yes Remove a workaround for a bug bjorn3:remove_bug_workaround petrochenkov 0 iffy
32 122362 yes Link `std` statically in `rustc_driver` Zoxc:rustc_driver_static_std oli-obk 0 never
33 122504 yes Update cc crate for bootstrap jfgoog:update-cc-crate-version-2 onur-ozkan 0 never
34 122770 yes improve codegen of fmt_num to delete unreachable panic iximeow:ixi/int-formatting-optimization workingjubilee 0 never
35 123244 yes Enable -Zshare-generics for inline(never) functions Mark-Simulacrum:share-inline-never-generics wesleywiser 0 never
36 123356 yes Reduce code size of `thread::set_current` joboet:set_current_size ChrisDenton 0 never
37 123425 Add `noundef` metadata for fits-in-target-pointer-size array immediate arguments jieyouxu:array-imm-noundef-param davidtwco 0 never
38 123441 yes Stabilize the size of incr comp object file names saethlin:fixed-len-file-names oli-obk 0 never
39 123536 yes Simplify `IntVarValue`/`FloatVarValue` compiler-errors:simplify-int-float 0 never
40 123572 yes Increase vtable layout size Mark-Simulacrum:vtable-methods TaKO8Ki 0 never
41 123602 yes Account for immutably borrowed locals in MIR copy-prop and GVN cjgillot:gvn-borrowed oli-obk 0 never
42 123720 yes [WIP] Rewrite handling of universe-leaking placeholder regions into outlives constraints amandasystems:dyn-enable-refactor nikomatsakis 0 never
43 124032 yes Replace sort implementations Voultapher:a-new-sort thomcc 0 never
44 124188 yes MIR: Stop needing an explicit BB for `otherwise:unreachable` scottmcm:implicit-switchint-unreachable 0 never
45 93544 yes Debug-format fat pointers with their metadata for better insight vojtechkral:fmt-fat-ptrs m-ou-se 0
46 97524 yes Add `Thread::{into_raw, from_raw}` ibraheemdev:thread-raw Mark-Simulacrum 0
47 99733 yes Extend const_convert for Cow on From<&str> and From<String> nipunn1313:nipunn/impl_const_from dtolnay 0
48 99969 yes alloc: implement FromIterator for Box<str> calebsander:feature/collect-box-str dtolnay 0
49 101213 yes net adding set_fib call to set FIB route on FreeBSD. devnexen:fbsd_set_fib workingjubilee 0
50 101842 std::io: vectored reads with uninitialized memory (Read::read_buf_vec) nrc:read-buf-vec2 m-ou-se 0
51 104693 yes Consistently use the highest bit of vector masks when converting to i1 vectors jhorstmann:use-high-bit-of-mask-for-select wesleywiser 0
52 106186 yes Add function `core::iter::chain` rossmacarthur:ft/iter-chain Amanieu 0
53 106418 yes Implement `PartialOrd` and `Ord` for `Discriminant` EFanZh:implement-ord-for-discriminant dtolnay 0
54 106643 yes Allow only implementing `Read::read_buf` WaffleLapkin:read_recursive dtolnay 0
55 106943 yes Implement DoubleEnded and ExactSize for Take<Repeat> and Take<RepeatWith> mina86:exact_size_take_repeat m-ou-se 0
56 107099 yes rustdoc: Add support for --remap-path-prefix edward-shen:edward-shen/rustdoc-remap-path-prefix GuillaumeGomez 0
57 107378 yes Stabilize `anonymous_lifetime_in_impl_trait` c410-f3r:stabilize-anon-lt estebank 0
58 108097 yes Change Wasm's `cdylib` etc. to be a "reactor". sunfishcode:sunfishcode/wasi-reactor wesleywiser 0
59 108193 yes Add rem_floor and rem_ceil clarfonthey:rounding-remainders dtolnay 0
60 108671 yes Implement flatten for `Option<&Option<T>>` and `Option<&mut Option<T>>` Coca162:option_reference_flattening BurntSushi 0
61 108684 yes Clarify drop_in_place safety Manishearth:dip-safety JakobDegen 0
62 109174 yes Replace `io::Cursor::{remaining_slice, is_empty}` soerenmeier:cursor_fns workingjubilee 0
63 109402 yes Implement owned ops for `HashSet` and `BTreeSet` WaffleLapkin:set_owned_sub dtolnay 0
64 110406 yes rustdoc-json: Add test for #[automatically_derived] attribute aDotInTheVoid:rdj-derived-impl-attr 0
65 111277 yes Add IoSlice::as_bytes Lucretiel:io-slice-as-bytes m-ou-se 0
66 112328 yes Feat. adding ext that returns change_time juliusl:pr/windows-add-change-time m-ou-se 0
67 112896 yes Add key_mut method to BTreeMap entries clarfonthey:btree-entry-key-mut Amanieu 0
68 113056 yes fix(parse): avoid panic when cfg wrapper by bracket under `capture-cfg` mode bvanjoi:fix-87577 petrochenkov 0
69 113095 yes Document `become` keyword WaffleLapkin:document_becoming_unuwuable workingjubilee 0
70 113347 yes `ptr::copy_nonoverlapping` is not memcpy workingjubilee:memcpy-じゃない cuviper 0
71 113891 yes Add more syscall doc aliases to std docs SabrinaJewson:more-syscall-aliases Mark-Simulacrum 0
72 114525 yes Document explicitly that Weak::from_raw(ptr::null()) is ub est31:weak_null_docs cuviper 0
73 114531 yes Implement `From<&'a &'static str>` for `Arguments<'a>` EFanZh:implement-from-str-for-arguments dtolnay 0
74 115710 yes Add connect_from methods to TcpStream valaphee:tcpstream_connect_from the8472 0
75 115876 yes Fix duplicated crate keyword in suggested path GuillaumeGomez:fix-duplicated-crate-err oli-obk 0
76 115942 yes Expand doc comment on MIR validation. cjgillot:doc-checker RalfJung 0
77 116161 yes Stabilize `extended_varargs_abi_support` Soveu:varargs2 cjgillot 0
78 116528 yes Stabilize `Ready::into_inner()` daxpedda:stabilize-ready-into-inner dtolnay 0
79 116632 yes Add `(checked_)norem_div` methods for integer types newpavlov:checked_norem_div Mark-Simulacrum 0
80 116675 yes [ptr] Document maximum allocation size joshlf:patch-10 RalfJung 0
81 116863 yes warn less about non-exhaustive in ffi workingjubilee:non-exhaustive-is-not-ffi-unsafe petrochenkov 0
82 116882 yes rustdoc: hide `#[repr]` if it isn't part of the public ABI fmease:rustdoc-generalized-priv-repr-heuristic notriddle 0
83 117063 yes Use en dashes in documentation page titles TomFryers:patch-1 notriddle 0
84 117164 yes Normalize trait ref before orphan check & consider ty params in alias types to be uncovered fmease:orphan-norm lcnr 0
85 117196 yes Add types for inspecting control messages in Unix socket ancillary data jmillikin:unix-ancillary-data Amanieu 0
86 117465 yes Add -Z small-data-threshold paulmenage:small-data-limit compiler-errors 0
87 117474 yes [slice] Document slice DSTs, including size guarantees joshlf:patch-7 Mark-Simulacrum 0
88 117536 yes Expands help for error message E0161 xfbs-fork:expand-e0161-message davidtwco 0
89 117539 yes add test for #113272 matthiaskrgr:test_113272 wesleywiser 0
90 117810 yes Fix dangling ID when `pub use`ing item which is Doc(hidden) or inherits it in rustdoc JSON output GuillaumeGomez:document-hidden-json aDotInTheVoid 0
91 117913 yes Suggest removal of borrow in index when appropriate estebank:issue-66023 compiler-errors 0
92 117931 yes Add `core::fmt::WriteCursor` for formatting into a borrowed buffer. jmillikin:fmt-write-cursor Amanieu 0
93 117932 yes Correct rustdoc section where we talk about rustdoc emitting errors on invalid code GuillaumeGomez:update-rustdoc-book notriddle 0
94 117991 yes Clarify safety of layout_for_ptr CAD97:layout-for-ptr cuviper 0
95 118014 yes Remove unnecessary -fembed-bitcode usage now that it's deprecated keith:ks/remove-unnecessary-fembed-bitcode-usage-now-that-it-s-deprecated clubby789 0
96 118087 yes Add Ref/RefMut try_map method GrigorenkoPV:refcell_try_map Mark-Simulacrum 0
97 118270 yes Allow coercions from never-type when ref binding is involved Aaron1011:ref-pat-never-coerce compiler-errors 0
98 118377 yes Make -Clinker-plugin-lto compatible with ld64 cormacrelf:bugfix/linker-plugin-lto-ld64 michaelwoerister 0
99 118474 yes Add `core::iter::adapters::PeekMap` and `core::iter::Peekable::peek_map` MiguelX413:master m-ou-se 0
100 118613 yes Enable emutls by default for android quininer:android-enable-emutls thomcc 0
101 118717 yes Add new solver / old solver opaque type tests traviscross:TC/add-new-solver-opaque-tests compiler-errors 0
102 118733 yes add error message for c# style named arguments nouritsu:master compiler-errors 0
103 118953 yes Fix ICE from zero-length span when suggesting to remove trailing semi-colon from final statement in block EliseZeroTwo:EliseZeroTwo/fix-114251 b-naber 0
104 118958 yes Add a new concat metavar expr c410-f3r:concat-again petrochenkov 0
105 118999 yes force current stage when `--stage` is expilicitly used onur-ozkan:explicit-stages Mark-Simulacrum 0
106 119127 yes Implement `array::repeat` joboet:array_repeat scottmcm 0
107 119185 yes [DO NOT MERGE] adapt test stderr for LLVM 18 changes krasimirgg:teststderr 0
108 119427 yes Fix, document, and test parser and pretty-printer edge cases related to braced macro calls dtolnay:maccall michaelwoerister 0
109 119462 yes Prevent `AtomicBool::fetch_and` and `fetch_or` from CAS loop on x86 AngelicosPhosphoros:atomic_bool_rmw_conditional_ops Amanieu 0
110 119761 yes Make `(A)Rc`/`Weak` `allocator_api` APIs more consistent zachs18:rc-into-raw-with-allocator BurntSushi 0
111 119798 yes Issue 83060 fix iSwapna:issue-83060-fix wesleywiser 0
112 119959 yes [meta] Clarify prioritization alert fmease:triagebot-prioritization-alert-label apiraino 0
113 120072 yes style-guide: Tweak `Cargo.toml` formatting to not put `description` last joshtriplett:style-guide-cargo-tweak yaahc 0
114 120077 yes WIP Add Set entry API SUPERCILEX:set-entry cuviper 0
115 120098 yes Give a better error message when CI download fails Teapot4195:issue-118758-fix Mark-Simulacrum 0
116 120176 yes Add a special case for CStr/CString in the improper_ctypes lint Flying-Toast:cstr_in_ffi_lint cjgillot 0
117 120282 yes Update comment to resolve ambiguity mahmudsudo:patch-1 Mark-Simulacrum 0
118 120314 yes core: optimise Debug impl for ascii::Char mina86:i Mark-Simulacrum 0
119 120320 yes Add `core::any::try_swap` a1phyr:any_try_swap cuviper 0
120 120388 yes Small improvements to internal documentation FractalFir:master estebank 0
121 120457 yes Relax the Sized requirement on the Error impl for Box. smmalis37:patch-2 BurntSushi 0
122 120580 yes Add `MAX_LEN_UTF8` and `MAX_LEN_UTF16` Constants HTGAzureX1212:HTGAzureX1212/issue-45795 m-ou-se 0
123 120611 yes [WIP]: generating rust-project file for r-a onur-ozkan:embedded-lsp-feed 0
124 120708 yes Add `or_try_*` variants for HashMap Entry API peterjoel:entry_try m-ou-se 0
125 120736 yes rustdoc: add header map to the table of contents notriddle:notriddle/toc jsha 0
126 120808 yes Split elided_lifetime_in_paths into tied and untied shepmaster:split-elided-lifetimes-in-paths pnkfelix 0
127 120812 yes Remove unnecessary impl sorting in queries and metadata compiler-errors:impl-sorting cjgillot 0
128 121051 yes Introduce infrastructure for generating target docs Nilstrieb:targetting onur-ozkan 0
129 121062 yes Change f32::midpoint to upcast to f64 RustyYato:f32-midpoint the8472 0
130 121215 yes MaybeUninit: Document UnsafeCell byte ranges joshlf:patch-5 Mark-Simulacrum 0
131 121216 yes Always emit `native-static-libs` note, even if it is empty madsmtm:fix-108825 wesleywiser 0
132 121377 yes Partially stabilize `LazyCell` and `LazyLock` pitaj:lazy_cell_fn_pointer m-ou-se 0
133 121405 Fix inaccurate documentation of `wait_while` and `wait_timeout_while` Jupeyy:pr_fix_wait_while_doc Mark-Simulacrum 0
134 121494 yes add tests which assert that import list for simple executable not changed silently klensy:assert-import-list ChrisDenton 0
135 121533 yes Handle .init_array link_section specially on wasm ratmice:wasm_init_fini_array estebank 0
136 121541 Added Complexity annotations for documentation of std::collections::VecDeque AnthonyZhOon:master m-ou-se 0
137 121564 yes rustc: document the jobserver ojeda:rustc-jobserver ehuss 0
138 121710 yes [DONT MERGE] fix(libstd): switch to `-Zpublic-dependency` cargo flag weihanglo:public-dependency Mark-Simulacrum 0
139 121717 yes Don't Add Specialized Notes to Error Messages Pointing at a Type veera-sivarajan:bugfix-121398 estebank 0
140 121742 yes sess: stabilize `-C stack-protector=all` davidtwco:stabilize-stack-protector-all nikic 0
141 121762 yes style-guide: Note that we don't account for comments in every possible place joshtriplett:style-comments-best-effort calebcartwright 0
142 121910 yes Revert "Change prefetch to avoid deadlock" Zoxc:rev-118488 cjgillot 0
143 121918 Move alloc tests to rmake abhay-51:Move_alloc_tests_to_rmake Mark-Simulacrum 0
144 121919 yes feat(byte_sub_ptr): add ptr::byte_sub_ptr Gankra:ptr_sub m-ou-se 0
145 121951 yes Support for Raw Pointers in `windows_process_extensions_raw_attribute` Implementation michaelvanstraten:allow_raw_pointers_windows_process_extensions_raw_attribute ChrisDenton 0
146 121965 yes Elaborate on the invariants for references-to-slices scottmcm:slice-validity joboet 0
147 122069 yes rust: Ensure cargo executable path is fetched for custom targets when bootstrapping rust compiler Yashinde145:master clubby789 0
148 122079 yes Less syscalls for the `copy_file_range` probe tbu-:pr_copy_file_range_probe the8472 0
149 122144 yes Add a global lock to `FatalErrorHandler` to avoid re-entry DianQK:llvm_fatal_error_lock saethlin 0
150 122192 yes Do not try to reveal hidden types when trying to prove Freeze in the defining scope oli-obk:type_of_opaque_for_const_checks lcnr 0
151 122253 yes Support Result<T, E> across FFI when niche optimization can be used MasterAwesome:master davidtwco 0
152 122300 yes Add FileCheck annotations to mir-opt/dest-prop tests CastilloDel:master cjgillot 0
153 122340 yes Treat weak alias types more like ADTs when computing implied bounds fmease:lta-implied-bounds-recurse-shallow oli-obk 0
154 122382 yes Detect unused structs which implement private traits mu001999:dead_code/enhance petrochenkov 0
155 122385 yes `obligations_for_self_ty`: use `ProofTreeVisitor` for nested goals lcnr:analyze-obligations-for-infer compiler-errors 0
156 122418 yes Assert Spans are well-formed starmut:assert-span-well-formed nnethercote 0
157 122427 yes Normalize bootstrap_out path psumbera:bootstrap_out_path clubby789 0
158 122441 yes Improve several `Read` implementations a1phyr:improve_read_impls ChrisDenton 0
159 122492 yes Implement ptr_as_ref_unchecked GrigorenkoPV:ptr_as_ref_unchecked workingjubilee 0
160 122494 yes Simplify key-based thread locals joboet:simplify_key_tls m-ou-se 0
161 122507 yes Update cc crate for bootstrap jfgoog:update-cc-crate-version-conservative onur-ozkan 0
162 122551 yes Added "copy" to Debug fmt for copy operands RayMuir:copy_fmt oli-obk 0
163 122597 yes Show files produced by `--emit foo` in json artifact notifications pacak:master bjorn3 0
164 122631 yes coverage: Replace color terminal tests with HTML output tests Zalathar:html oli-obk 0
165 122665 yes Add some tests for public-private dependencies. ehuss:pub-priv-tests davidtwco 0
166 122666 yes Add functions to replace BufReader's reader Morganamilo:bufreader Mark-Simulacrum 0
167 122670 yes Fix bug where `option_env!` would return `None` when env var is present but not valid Unicode beetrees:non-unicode-option-env-error lcnr 0
168 122685 yes Emit a warning if a `match` is too complex GuillaumeGomez:match-too-complex Nadrieril 0
169 122709 yes use precompiled rustc for non-dist builders onur-ozkan:use-precompiled-rustc-by-default Mark-Simulacrum 0
170 122790 yes Apply dllimport in ThinLTO for -Z dylib-lto Zoxc:dllimp-rev wesleywiser 0
171 122804 yes Item bounds can reference self projections and still be object safe compiler-errors:item-bounds-can-reference-self BoxyUwU 0
172 122808 yes Stabilize `count`, `ignore`, `index`, and `length` in Rust 1.80 c410-f3r:again-again-again-again-again fmease 0
173 122884 yes Optimize integer `pow` by removing the exit branch mzabaluev:pow-remove-exit-branch Amanieu 0
174 122887 yes Unix: Add `read_buf_at` and `read_buf_exact_at` to `FileExt` a1phyr:read_buf_at m-ou-se 0
175 122986 yes Fix c_char on AIX taiki-e:aix-c-char Mark-Simulacrum 0
176 123008 yes [TEST] Test out Fjall memory allocator Zoxc:fjall-global 0
177 123043 yes Disable dead variant removal for `#[repr(C)]` enums. GoldsteinE:fix/repr-c-dead-branches oli-obk 0
178 123111 yes std::net: adding tcp_syncnt feature for Linux/Android. devnexen:linux_syncnt joshtriplett 0
179 123122 yes Fix incorrect suggestion for undeclared hrtb lifetimes in where clauses. surechen:fix_122714 fmease 0
180 123125 yes Remove suggestion about iteration count in coerce gurry:122561-bad-note-non-zero-loop-iters-2 estebank 0
181 123165 yes Stop sorting `Span`s' `SyntaxContext`, as that is incompatible with incremental oli-obk:no_ord_def_id3 cjgillot 0
182 123168 yes Add `size_of` and `size_of_val` and `align_of` and `align_of_val` to the prelude joshtriplett:size-of-prelude dtolnay 0
183 123196 yes Add Process support for UEFI Ayush1325:uefi-process joboet 0
184 123213 yes Remove impl of Allocator for &A workingjubilee:resume-with-references-only-on-request Mark-Simulacrum 0
185 123225 yes update mutex docs for send & sync Psalmuel01:master Mark-Simulacrum 0
186 123237 yes Various rustc_codegen_ssa cleanups bjorn3:debuginfo_refactor estebank 0
187 123239 yes Implement a lint for implicit autoref of raw pointer dereference - take 2 Urgau:dangerous_implicit_autorefs fmease 0
188 123247 yes Use HRTB in `E0637` documentation veera-sivarajan:fix-error-code-E0637-example-code fmease 0
189 123253 yes Specialize `TrustedLen` for `Iterator::unzip()` ChayimFriedman2:extend-trusted the8472 0
190 123337 yes Default `rust.debug = true` for compiler contribs workingjubilee:debug-compiler-profile-expectations cjgillot 0
191 123344 yes Remove braces when fixing a nested use tree into a single item pietroalbini:pa-unused-imports wesleywiser 0
192 123351 yes Ensure floats are returned losslessly by the Rust ABI on 32-bit x86 beetrees:x86-ret-snan-rust fmease 0
193 123365 yes At test discovery, write to logfile in the same format as to stdout aspotashev:converge-discovery-logfile Muscraft 0
194 123374 yes DOC: Add FFI example for slice::from_raw_parts() mgeier:doc-slice-from-raw-parts scottmcm 0
195 123384 yes Link rustc/std tools into the correct sysroot Nilstrieb:back-where-you-belong onur-ozkan 0
196 123405 yes Disabling tests/run-make/compiler-builtins for sgx target(x86_64-fortanix-unknown-sgx) fortanix:nr/disable-compiler-builtins-test-for-sgx Mark-Simulacrum 0
197 123413 yes delegation: Implement list delegation petrochenkov:delegmulti2 fmease 0
198 123434 yes Remove redudant variable declaration in toSpliced RedYetiDev:patch-1 GuillaumeGomez 0
199 123436 yes linker: Allow MSVC to use Meson and MinGW-style libraries amyspark:allow-msvc-to-use-meson-and-mingw-import-libraries wesleywiser 0
200 123472 yes WIP: PoC for `derive(SmartPointer)` wedsonaf:smart-ptr pnkfelix 0
201 123476 yes std::net: adding `unix_socket_exclbind` feature for solaris/illumos. devnexen:std_net_solaris_exclbind Mark-Simulacrum 0
202 123480 yes deref patterns: impl `DerefPure` for more std types Nadrieril:impl-all-derefpures m-ou-se 0
203 123483 yes Fix #121126: index out of bounds exceeds max value c4rrao:master TaKO8Ki 0
204 123492 yes add pull request template asking for relevant tracking issues lcnr:master davidtwco 0
205 123508 yes Edition 2024: Make `!` fall back to `!` WaffleLapkin:never-type-2024 compiler-errors 0
206 123531 yes Enforce closure args + return type are WF compiler-errors:closure-wf oli-obk 0
207 123546 yes Bootstrap: Check validity of `--target` and `--host` triples before starting a build Rajveer100:branch-for-issue-122128 onur-ozkan 0
208 123588 yes Stabilize `hint::assert_unchecked` tgross35:stabilize-assert_unchecked m-ou-se 0
209 123590 yes Edition 2024: don't special-case diverging blocks WaffleLapkin:diverging-blocks-2024 compiler-errors 0
210 123600 yes impl PathBuf::add_extension and Path::with_extra_extension tisonkun:path_with_extension joboet 0
211 123604 yes Abstract `ProcThreadAttributeList` into its own struct michaelvanstraten:proc_thread_attribute_list ChrisDenton 0
212 123611 yes Add `under normal circumstances` to `cell` docs CJendantix:patch-1 jhpratt 0
213 123617 yes sanitizers: stabilize core sanitizers (i.e., AddressSanitizer, LeakSanitizer, MemorySanitizer, ThreadSanitizer) rcvalle:rust-stabilize-core-sanitizers davidtwco 0
214 123623 yes Fix OutsideLoop's error suggestion: adding label `'block` for `if` block. surechen:fix_123261 estebank 0
215 123657 yes Remove `HashSet::get_or_insert_with` Amanieu:remove-get_or_insert_with Mark-Simulacrum 0
216 123694 yes expand: fix minor diagnostics bug Xiretza:expand-diagnostics estebank 0
217 123705 yes ThinBox: move WithHeader to submodule stepancheg:with-header oli-obk 0
218 123709 yes Update documentation related to the recent cmd.exe fix tgross35:windows-cmd-docs-update ChrisDenton 0
219 123714 yes Add test for fn pointer duplication. cjgillot:static-fnptr oli-obk 0
220 123723 yes Make `std::os::tvos`, `std::os::visionos` and `std::os::watchos` public madsmtm:apple-std-os m-ou-se 0
221 123726 yes Clarify `Command::new` behavior for programs with arguments jieyouxu:command-new-docs m-ou-se 0
222 123769 yes Improve escaping of byte, byte str, and c str proc-macro literals dtolnay:literal fee1-dead 0
223 123778 yes Improve autovectorization of to_lowercase / to_uppercase functions jhorstmann:optimize-upper-lower-auto-vectorization the8472 0
224 123781 yes Miri function identity hack: account for possible inlining RalfJung:miri-fn-identity oli-obk 0
225 123782 yes Ensure opaque types can't have themselves as a hidden type with incompatible lifetimes oli-obk:equal_tait_args aliemjay 0
226 123786 yes Remove bound checks from `BorrowedBuf` and `BorrowedCursor` methods a1phyr:cursor_unsafe m-ou-se 0
227 123803 yes Fix `VecDeque::shrink_to` UB when `handle_alloc_error` unwinds. Sp00ph:shrink_to_fix Mark-Simulacrum 0
228 123812 yes Follow-up fixes to `report_return_mismatched_types` compiler-errors:additional-fixes fmease 0
229 123813 yes Add `REDUNDANT_IMPORTS` lint for new redundant import detection compiler-errors:redundant-lint petrochenkov 0
230 123815 yes Fix cannot usage in time.rs trueb2:patch-1 workingjubilee 0
231 123816 yes Add v0 symbol mangling for `f16` and `f128` tgross35:f16-f128-mangling michaelwoerister 0
232 123817 yes Stabilize `seek_seek_relative` slanterns:seek_relative m-ou-se 0
233 123822 yes More translatable diagnostics Xiretza:more-translatable-diagnostics pnkfelix 0
234 123850 yes Add constants for f16 and f128 tspiteri:f16_f128_consts Amanieu 0
235 123865 yes Update `expr` matcher for Edition 2024 and add `expr_2021` nonterminal eholk:expr_2021 wesleywiser 0
236 123877 yes Further improve diagnostics for expressions in pattern position ShE3py:expr-in-pats-2 fmease 0
237 123882 yes Stop UI tests if an unknown revision name is specified tgross35:compiletest-invalid-revisions jieyouxu 0
238 123892 yes Document That `f16` And `f128` Hardware Support is Limited ultrabear:ultrabear_softfloatdoc workingjubilee 0
239 123918 yes [test] clang-format DianQK:clang-format 0
240 123932 yes restate GlobalAlloc method safety preconditions in terms of what the caller has to do for greater clarity adamse:global-alloc-safety-preconds-positive m-ou-se 0
241 123939 yes Add a lint against never type fallback affecting unsafe code WaffleLapkin:never-fallback-unsafe-lint compiler-errors 0
242 123940 yes debug-fmt-detail option kornelski:remove-derived-debug estebank 0
243 123942 yes `x vendor` onur-ozkan:x-vendor Mark-Simulacrum 0
244 123947 yes Add vec_deque::Iter::as_slices and friends chloekek:vec_deque-Iter-as_slices BurntSushi 0
245 123951 yes Reserve guarded string literals (RFC 3593) pitaj:reserve-guarded-strings estebank 0
246 123974 yes Greatly speed up doctests by compiling compatible doctests in (almost) one file GuillaumeGomez:unified-doctests notriddle 0
247 123994 yes Use Default visibility for rustc-generated C symbol declarations chbaker0:fn-declare-visibility petrochenkov 0
248 124012 yes Stabilize `binary_heap_as_slice` slanterns:as_slice_stabilize BurntSushi 0
249 124033 yes Sync ar_archive_writer to LLVM 18.1.3 bjorn3:ar_archive_writer_0_3_0 davidtwco 0
250 124048 yes Support C23's Variadics Without a Named Parameter veera-sivarajan:bugfix-123773-c23-variadics compiler-errors 0
251 124059 yes default_alloc_error_hook: explain difference to default __rdl_oom in alloc RalfJung:default_alloc_error_hook m-ou-se 0
252 124076 yes Stablise io_error_downcast NobodyXu:patch-1 dtolnay 0
253 124080 yes Some unstable changes to where opaque types get defined oli-obk:define_opaque_types10 compiler-errors 0
254 124087 yes Add codegen test for 112169 SadiinsoSnowfall:master Mark-Simulacrum 0
255 124091 yes Update AST validation module docs jieyouxu:ast-validation-top-level-docs estebank 0
256 124095 yes std::thread: follow-up #123913 removing unsafe on success for glibc. devnexen:min_stack_size2 m-ou-se 0
257 124096 yes Clean up users of rust_dbg_call saethlin:rust-dbg-call compiler-errors 0
258 124101 yes Add PidFd::{kill, wait, try_wait} the8472:pidfd-methods cuviper 0
259 124107 yes Ignore errors in Drop for unix::fs::Dir ConradIrwin:fix-124105 joboet 0
260 124122 yes Don't perform unsigned comparisons for signed integers DianQK:fix-120614 wesleywiser 0
261 124134 yes Add target docs for aarch64-apple-darwin (M1/M2 macs) TimTheBig:master Nilstrieb 0
262 124138 yes Ignore LLVM ABI in dlltool tests since those targets don't use dlltool mati865:ignore-llvm-abi-in-dlltool-tests davidtwco 0
263 124146 yes Triagebot: Rename `macos` ping group to `apple` madsmtm:apple-triage Mark-Simulacrum 0
264 124148 yes rustdoc-search: search for references notriddle:notriddle/reference GuillaumeGomez 0
265 124153 yes Refactoring after the `PlaceValue` addition scottmcm:more-placevalue compiler-errors 0
266 124154 yes coverage: Treat each match arm as a "branch" for branch coverage Zalathar:branch-arms 0
267 124159 yes Move thread parking to `sys::sync` joboet:move_pal_thread_parking ChrisDenton 0
268 124165 yes add test for incremental ICE: slice-pattern-const.rs #83085 matthiaskrgr:slice-pattern-const-ice-incr Mark-Simulacrum 0
269 124174 yes DRAFT: Test building on Server 2022 dpaoliello:server2022 ehuss 0
270 124180 yes proposal to support raw_attribute with raw pointer cre4ture:feature/raw_attribute_ptr ChrisDenton 0
271 124185 yes Remove optionality from MoveData::base_local beepster4096:move_data_base_local_infallible pnkfelix 0
272 124209 yes Make check-cfg docs more user-friendly Urgau:check-cfg-more-friendly-docs ehuss 0
273 124210 yes Abort a process when FD ownership is violated the8472:consign-ebadf-to-the-fire Mark-Simulacrum 0
274 124211 yes Bump `elided_lifetimes_in_associated_constant` to deny compiler-errors:bump-elided_lifetimes_in_associated_constant cjgillot 0
275 124213 yes Weekly `cargo update` rust-lang:cargo_update Mark-Simulacrum 0
276 124214 yes Parse unsafe attributes carbotaniuman:parse_unsafe_attrs michaelwoerister 0
277 124219 yes Do not ICE on `AnonConst`s in `diagnostic_hir_wf_check` gurry:122989-ice-unexpected-anon-const compiler-errors 0
278 124223 yes coverage: Branch coverage support for let-else and if-let Zalathar:conditional-let 0
279 124227 yes Make sure that the method resolution matches in `note_source_of_type_mismatch_constraint` compiler-errors:hack-check-method-res estebank 0
280 124228 yes Warn against changes in opaque lifetime captures in 2024 compiler-errors:lint-overcaptures oli-obk 0
281 124233 yes Add `-lmingwex` second time in `mingw_libs` mati865:fix-support-for-upcoming-mingw-w64 petrochenkov 0
282 124242 yes bootstrap: Describe build_steps modules workingjubilee:describe-bootstrap-files-better Mark-Simulacrum 0
283 124243 yes Add primitive numeric traits CAD97:primitive-traits workingjubilee 0
284 124251 yes Add an intrinsic for `ptr::metadata` scottmcm:unop-ptr-metadata oli-obk 0
285 124255 yes MCDC coverage: support nested decision coverage RenjiSann:renji/mcdc-nested-expressions oli-obk 0
286 124257 yes Rewrite the `no-input-file.stderr` test in Rust and support diff JoverZhang:rmake-diff jieyouxu 0
287 124261 yes drop deprecated value `if-available` for `download-ci-llvm` option onur-ozkan:drop-llvm-if-available Mark-Simulacrum 0
288 124269 yes Pretty-print parenthesis around binary in postfix match scrabsha:sasha/fix-124206 michaelwoerister 0
289 124278 yes Support mcdc analysis for pattern matching ZhuUx:pattern-match wesleywiser 0
290 124279 yes Add support for ppc64le clobber_abi ecnelises:ppc_clobber_abi michaelwoerister 0
291 124280 yes Port repr128-dwarf run-make test to rmake beetrees:repr128-test-rmake jieyouxu 0
292 124283 yes Note for E0599 if shadowed bindings has the method. surechen:fix_123558 estebank 0
293 124287 yes Improved code with clippy 41Leahcim:master fmease 0
294 124290 yes DependencyList: removed outdated comment klensy:dep-format estebank 0
295 124293 yes Let miri and const eval execute intrinsics' fallback bodies oli-obk:miri_intrinsic_fallback_body RalfJung 0
296 124294 yes Unroll first iteration of checked_ilog loop tspiteri:ilog-first-iter the8472 0
297 124296 yes bootstrap: keep all cargo test files in dist rustc-src cuviper:dist-cargo-tests clubby789 0
298 124297 yes Allow coercing functions whose signature differs in opaque types in their defining scope into a shared function pointer type oli-obk:define_opaque_types13 compiler-errors 0
299 124299 yes Add test for issue 106269 clubby789:106269-test Mark-Simulacrum 0
300 124304 yes revise the interpretation of ReadDir for HermitOS hermit-os:fuse m-ou-se 0
301 124307 yes Inline `EscapeDebug::size_hint`. reitermarkus:escape-debug-size-hint-inline joboet 0
302 124311 yes Add `core::convert::absurd` WaffleLapkin:absurd Amanieu 0
303 124313 yes Detect borrow error involving sub-slices and suggest `split_at_mut` estebank:split-at-mut fee1-dead 0
304 124318 yes ignore generics args in attribute paths bvanjoi:fix-123911 petrochenkov 0
305 124320 yes Add `--print=check-cfg` to get the expected configs Urgau:print-check-cfg petrochenkov 0
306 124321 yes Add support for run-make-support unit tests to be run with bootstrap command JoverZhang:run-make-support-tests clubby789 0
307 124323 yes Add `reserve-x18` target feature for aarch64 Darksonn:target-feature-reserve-x18 TaKO8Ki 0
308 124324 yes Minor AST cleanups nnethercote:minor-ast-cleanups estebank 0
309 124332 yes CI: remove `master` job Kobzol:toolstate-auto-build pietroalbini 0
310 124339 yes Disable `version_check::supports_feature` on nightly oli-obk:supports_feature wesleywiser 0
311 124341 yes resolve: Remove two cases of misleading macro call visiting petrochenkov:nomacvisit pnkfelix 0
312 123692 yes Clarify guarantees about calling `Iterator:next()` after it returns `None` Jules-Bertholet:patch-1 dtolnay 0 always
313 124058 yes Fix some typos in comments TechVest:master fmease 0 always
314 89917 no sess: default to v0 symbol mangling davidtwco:issue-60705-stabilize-rust-symbol-mangling-scheme michaelwoerister 0 never
315 98223 no proc_macro/bridge: remove client->server `&HandleCounters` passing. eddyb:proc-macro-handle-counters nnethercote 0 never
316 101179 no Deprecate uninit_array SUPERCILEX:uninit_array scottmcm 0 never
317 101500 no Perform unused assignment and unused variables lints on MIR. cjgillot:mir-liveness davidtwco 0 never
318 105392 no Dedup bounds with parent impl block GuillaumeGomez:rustdoc-dedup-bounds compiler-errors 0 never
319 107760 no Rewrite libcore's UTF-8 validation for performance thomcc:utf8dfa m-ou-se 0 never
320 109050 no Only use the new DepNode hashmap for anonymous nodes. cjgillot:no-hash-graph michaelwoerister 0 never
321 110691 no Enable DataflowConstProp by default cjgillot:enable-dcp 0 never
322 111344 no Perform opportunistic simplifications during value numbering cjgillot:gvn-simplify 0 never
323 111430 no rustdoc: migrate `item_struct` to an Askama template nicklimmm:askama-migration-item-struct GuillaumeGomez 0 never
324 112733 no Avoid `memcpy` in codegen for more types, notably `Vec` scottmcm:more-load-store compiler-errors 0 never
325 114595 no Mark more spans as relative. cjgillot:relative-attr 0 never
326 115003 no Increase parallelism in various locations Zoxc:parallel-tweaks-rebase cjgillot 0 never
327 115105 no Enable DestinationPropagation by default. cjgillot:dest-prop-default oli-obk 0 never
328 116173 no New atomic reference counting algorithm m-ou-se:arc Amanieu 0 never
329 116375 no Create the previous dep graph index on a background thread Zoxc:lazy-index cjgillot 0 never
330 116707 no Create an `AllocId` for `ConstValue::Slice`. cjgillot:slice-id 0 never
331 118159 no Implementation of `fmt::FormattingOptions` EliasHolzmann:formatting_options m-ou-se 0 never
332 119412 no macro_rules: Remove `NtIdent` nonterminal token petrochenkov:dialoc3 0 never
333 119458 no Do not hash allocations to name them. cjgillot:anonymous-alloc compiler-errors 0 never
334 119501 no Only generate a single shim for clone of copy types. cjgillot:clone-shim 0 never
335 119899 no redesign stage 0 std onur-ozkan:redesign-stage0-std albertlarsan68 0 iffy
336 120193 no #[cold] on match arms x17jiri:cold_match_arms oli-obk 0 never
337 120286 no Implement RFC 3349, mixed utf8 literals nnethercote:3349-mixed-utf8-literals 0 never
338 120593 no Update Android in CI maurer:android-bump Mark-Simulacrum 0 iffy
339 120706 no Initial support for auto traits with default bounds Bryanskiy:leak oli-obk 0 never
340 120869 no ci update freebsd version proposal, freebsd 12 being eol devnexen:update_fbsd_ci Mark-Simulacrum 0 iffy
341 122189 no snapshot: avoid leaking inference vars lcnr:probe-no-more-leak oli-obk 0 never
342 122325 no Stop using LLVM struct types for array/pointer offset GEPs erikdesjardins:array nikic 0 never
343 122462 no Compile backtrace-related deps with `opt-level=s` erikdesjardins:forsize Mark-Simulacrum 0 never
344 123219 no [WIP] rustdoc (base+json): add support for variances fmease:rustdoc-variances-json 0 never
345 124187 no Warn (or error) when `Self` ctor from outer item is referenced in inner nested item compiler-errors:self-ctor petrochenkov 0 never
346 87173 no unstable proc_macro tracked::* rename/restructure drahnr:bernhard-tracked-restructure m-ou-se 0
347 94619 no Introduce unsafe methods for mutating environment jhpratt:unsafe-env cuviper 0
348 94904 no doc(notable_trait) for impls conradludgate:rustdoc-notable-attr GuillaumeGomez 0
349 94909 no [WIP] 'Notable Trait Implementations' doc section conradludgate:notable-trait-implementations GuillaumeGomez 0
350 96290 no Make libtest logfile respect --format felipeamp:issue-57147-fix m-ou-se 0
351 97977 no Add `String::replace_first` and `String::replace_last` WilliamVenner:string_replace_in_place kennytm 0
352 98514 no `std::thread` support for the Nintendo 3DS AzureMarker:feature/horizon-threads Mark-Simulacrum 0
353 98991 no Apply deprecation lint to trait method overrides. m-ou-se:deprecated-overrides wesleywiser 0
354 99032 no Disable unwinding for `catch_unwind` error payloads. danielhenrymantilla:no_unwind_drop_panic_payload Mark-Simulacrum 0
355 99469 no Add UI to help with advanced search requests GuillaumeGomez:advanced-search-ui notriddle 0
356 99790 no Explain how Vec::with_capacity is faithful workingjubilee:explain-vec-with-cap m-ou-se 0
357 99927 no More distinctive pretty-printing of function item types steffahn:distinctive_function_item_types_printing estebank 0
358 100156 no Add feature to disable the panic_impl provided by std morr0ne:no-panic-impl-feature Mark-Simulacrum 0
359 100413 no Track `-Cprofile-use` and `-Cprofile-sample-use` value by file hash, not file path Kobzol:profile-use-track-file-hash michaelwoerister 0
360 100824 no use `confstr(_CS_DARWIN_USER_TEMP_DIR, ...)` as a `TMPDIR` fallback on Darwin thomcc:darwin_user_temp_dir dtolnay 0
361 101339 no enable -Zrandomize-layout in debug CI builds the8472:ci-randomize-debug Mark-Simulacrum 0
362 101387 no Added `interrupt` function for `std::process::Child` JonathanWoollett-Light:process-interrupt cuviper 0
363 101551 no [WIP] Add support for custom allocator for `String` zachs18:string_alloc Mark-Simulacrum 0
364 101981 no Impl AsRef, Borrow for Ref, RefMut dhardy:borrow_ref m-ou-se 0
365 102343 no New API: Range::cmp_scalar; comparison (less/equal/greater) to a primitive of the Range golddranks:range_cmp m-ou-se 0
366 103029 no feat: add `expansion_growth_limit` attr as another expansion limit vincenzopalazzo:macros/expansion_grow_limit petrochenkov 0
367 103134 no Kill array_assume_init SUPERCILEX:uninit-array-assume scottmcm 0
368 103376 no Strip leading trailing empty lines in doc code blocks GuillaumeGomez:strip-leading-trailing-empty-lines notriddle 0
369 104803 no Implement unification of const abstract impls JulianKnodt:unify_impls oli-obk 0
370 104941 no [WIP] borrowck diagnostic migration with eager booted AndyJado:eager davidtwco 0
371 105377 no rust: library: Add `setsid` method to `CommandExt` trait HarveyHunt:setsid m-ou-se 0
372 105586 no Experimental feature gate proposal `crabi` joshtriplett:abi-experimental-feature-gate nikomatsakis 0
373 105604 no Use ELF-TLS on SGX joboet:sgx_tls m-ou-se 0
374 105877 no `impl PartialEq<{str,String}> for {Path,PathBuf}` (and reversed) Kixunil:impl-partialeq-str-for-path m-ou-se 0
375 106060 no Remove proc-macro back-compat hack for rental Aaron1011:remove-rental-hack pnkfelix 0
376 106074 no Implement RFC 3323: restrictions jhpratt:restrictions WaffleLapkin 0
377 106375 no Stabilize `io_error_more` albertlarsan68:stabilize-io_err_more BurntSushi 0
378 106681 no Link unstable features albertlarsan68:link-unstable-features onur-ozkan 0
379 107122 no Use `Try` trait to make `Once[Cell | Lock]::get_or_try_init` generic over return type joboet:once_try_init_try BurntSushi 0
380 107251 no Rescope temp lifetime in let-chain into IfElse dingxiangfei2009:let-chain-rescope est31 0
381 107263 no Allow impl on projection GuillaumeGomez:allow-impl-on-projection oli-obk 0
382 107393 no Add internal lint against `Ty == Ty` Nilstrieb:Are the types equalॽ Who even knows at this point compiler-errors 0
383 107562 no WIP: Remove `ResumeTy` from async lowering Swatinem:async-resumety-v2 compiler-errors 0
384 107587 no Mark `std` integral modules as deprecated (`std::u32`, `std::i16`, etc.) tgross35:deprecate-std-num-modules SnoozeThis 0
385 107640 no rustdoc: Add support for local resources GuillaumeGomez:rustdoc-local-resources-2 notriddle 0
386 108001 no Add lint to check if non-inlined local reexports have documentation GuillaumeGomez:unused_reexport_documentation-lint notriddle 0
387 108397 no Dedup elaborated predicates with const generic parameter in AutoTrait megakorre:issue_107715 oli-obk 0
388 108761 no Do NOT Review: CoAlloc: Allocator + Global API + Vec coop-rs:07_vec_macroed_squash_fmt_workaround peter-kehl 0
389 108874 no Implement `io::Entropy` and refactor random data generation joboet:io_entropy Mark-Simulacrum 0
390 108942 no unstable-book: split sanitizers into testing and production ones disconnect3d:patch-1 eholk 0
391 108981 no Implement `fs_native_path` ChrisDenton:aspath Amanieu 0
392 108993 no Make typeck aware of uninhabited types cjgillot:uninhabited-typeck lcnr 0
393 109350 no Add pattern matching API to OsStr mina86:pattern-2 dtolnay 0
394 109858 no Eagerly run TLS destructors to properly handle stack overflows joboet:tls_stack_overflow m-ou-se 0
395 110051 no Use same `FxHashMap` in `rustdoc-json-types` and `librustdoc`. aDotInTheVoid:rdj-hashmap clubby789 0
396 110105 no Stabilise exhaustive patterns feature cjgillot:exhaustive-patterns oli-obk 0
397 110327 no Add the ability to see inherited envs on Command schneems:schneems/expose-command-env-clear thomcc 0
398 110961 no Create `unnecessary_send_constraint` lint for `&(dyn ... + Send)` john-h-k:lint/useless-send davidtwco 0
399 111628 no Allow integer suffixes starting with `e`. nnethercote:allow-e-suffixes petrochenkov 0
400 112106 no Added traits implemented by FnPtr to fn docs with example function mj10021:issue-111182-fix cuviper 0
401 112331 no Report allocation errors as panics, second attempt Amanieu:panic-oom-payload2 m-ou-se 0
402 112457 no Make `std::mem::transmute_copy` accept `?Sized` inputs nvzqz:feat/unsized-transmute_copy m-ou-se 0
403 112469 no Only use the new node hashmap for anonymous nodes. cjgillot:graph-anon-hashmap michaelwoerister 0
404 112807 no Migrate `rustdoc` diagnostics to translatable diagnostics nicklimmm:rustdoc-translatable-diagnostics-migration jsha 0
405 112999 no relax leak-check aliemjay:leakcheck-relax BoxyUwU 0
406 113074 no rustdoc: redesign [+]/[−] controls notriddle:notriddle/plus-minus jsha 0
407 113128 no Support tail calls in mir via `TerminatorKind::TailCall` WaffleLapkin:become_trully_unuwuable oli-obk 0
408 113169 no Tait must be constrained if in sig oli-obk:tait_must_be_constrained_if_in_sig compiler-errors 0
409 113433 no Disable building `rustc` with (Thin)LTO on Windows Kobzol:bootstrap-window-thinlto-error clubby789 0
410 113924 no More precisely point out what is immutable for E0596 chenyukang:yukang-fix-113842-ref compiler-errors 0
411 113983 no Add a visibility suggestion in private-in-public errors nyurik:pub-in-priv-err petrochenkov 0
412 114096 no Unify generation of primitive links for associated types with the rest GuillaumeGomez:generics-display notriddle 0
413 114189 no Update dist-various linux-gnu target baselines cuviper:dist-various-glibc Mark-Simulacrum 0
414 114209 no tidy watcher klensy:better-than-remembrall wesleywiser 0
415 114523 no gcc: build with --disable-multilib, as it used only to bootstrap llvm klensy:gcc-disable-multilib Mark-Simulacrum 0
416 114652 no Keep printing extra comments in MIR dumps lqd:mir-dumps saethlin 0
417 114900 no Allow a MIR analysis to perform the state `join` directly Jarcho:mut_join cjgillot 0
418 114917 no Dummy PR to test coverage test changes in CI Zalathar:dummy-coverage 0
419 115293 no Remove -Zfuel. cjgillot:no-fuel wesleywiser 0
420 115501 no Add new inherit_handles flag to CommandExt trait michaelvanstraten:set_inherit_handles ChrisDenton 0
421 115506 no `target_os = "custom"`: selecting/swapping platform-specific parts of the libstd at runtime NathanRoyer:std-custom-platform Mark-Simulacrum 0
422 115561 no Make `PanicInfo::message` infallible oli-obk:panic_info_message m-ou-se 0
423 115572 no Do not insert duplicate SourceFile. cjgillot:relative-source-file-dedup oli-obk 0
424 115648 no Remove "consider specifying this binding's type" when reference differs in mutability jmintb:master jackh726 0
425 115746 no Print thread ID in panic message if thread name is unknown tgross35:unnamed-threads-panic-message cuviper 0
426 115802 no rustdoc search: Allow to filter on multiple crates GuillaumeGomez:rustdoc-search-multiple-crate-filtering notriddle 0
427 115919 no Return f32 and f64 in XMM0 instead of FP0 on i686 GuentherVIII:ssereturn petrochenkov 0
428 115954 no cfi: Store type erasure witness for Argument maurer:cfi-workaround m-ou-se 0
429 115974 no Split core's PanicInfo and std's PanicInfo m-ou-se:panicinfo-and-panicinfo Amanieu 0
430 116088 no Stabilise `c_unwind` nbdd0121:unwind Amanieu 0
431 116113 no Generalize `{Rc,Arc}::make_mut()` to unsized types. kpreid:arcmut dtolnay 0
432 116114 no Stabilize target_feature_11 calebzulawski:stabilize-tf11 nikomatsakis 0
433 116209 no clippy::complexity fixes matthiaskrgr:clippy2 petrochenkov 0
434 116247 no WIP: Check uninhabitedness through the trait solver cjgillot:uninhabited-predicate lcnr 0
435 116517 no feat(ci): upload metrics to GitHub Artifacts ✨ meysam81:meysam/feat/upload-ci-metrics-to-artifacts jdno 0
436 116575 no diagnostic: properly deal with hygienic names on unresolved fields and imports fmease:diag-suggs-hygiene-improvs cjgillot 0
437 116777 no Dedup Fluent invalid ptr errors in const eval workingjubilee:const-eval-fluent-dedup-ptrkind fee1-dead 0
438 116850 no Unify TLS destructor list implementations joboet:unify_tls_dtor_lists m-ou-se 0
439 117015 no Doc comment custom MIR debuginfo. cjgillot:custom-mir-debuginfo-doc RalfJung 0
440 117161 no Uplift `clippy::precedence` lint Urgau:uplift_precedence wesleywiser 0
441 117329 no offset: allow zero-byte offset on arbitrary pointers RalfJung:offset-by-zero oli-obk 0
442 117360 no Use macro to make query providers greppable Nilstrieb:query-provider-find-me TaKO8Ki 0
443 117468 no Stabilize Wasm relaxed SIMD daxpedda:wasm-relaxed-simd wesleywiser 0
444 117671 no NVPTX: Avoid PassMode::Direct for args in C abi kjetilkjeka:nvptx_c_abi_avoid_direct davidtwco 0
445 117676 no llvm-wrapper: remove some unused headers klensy:cut-llvm-includes cuviper 0
446 117682 no Don't check GAT bounds in normalization aliemjay:gat-relax-lifetimes 0
447 117867 no New attribute macros format for diagnostic structs without fluent slug chenyukang:errors-refactor-no-fluent davidtwco 0
448 118004 no Fix const-fn check in const_eval ouz-a:november_ice wesleywiser 0
449 118171 no Allow constants using an Abi::Vector layout to be passed to the backend GeorgeWort:consts compiler-errors 0
450 118477 no Remove `ProjectionElem::Subtype` ouz-a:remove_subtyper lcnr 0
451 118480 no Specialize sleep_until implementation dvdsk:sleep_until_os_specific_impl cuviper 0
452 118518 no fix(trim-paths): trim `SO` and `DW_AT_comp_dir` symbols for root DI node weihanglo:trim-paths-macos michaelwoerister 0
453 118580 no Provide a way for custom derives to know if they were invoked via `#[derive_const]` fmease:libproc_macro-is_derive_const petrochenkov 0
454 118711 no [rustdoc] Add `no-hidden-lines` codeblock attribute GuillaumeGomez:raw-codeblock-attribute notriddle 0
455 118833 no Add lint against function pointer comparisons Urgau:lint_function_pointer_comparisons cjgillot 0
456 118917 no Support for a scalable simd representation JamieCunliffe:sve Amanieu 0
457 118939 no Better errors with bad/missing identifiers in MBEs EliseZeroTwo:EliseZeroTwo/fix-macrorules-ident-errors TaKO8Ki 0
458 118980 no Add rustc_intrinsic_const_vector_arg attribute to allow vectors to be passed as constants GeorgeWort:attr oli-obk 0
459 119043 no Add new temporary lifetime feature gate and super let keyword dingxiangfei2009:super-let oli-obk 0
460 119083 no [experiment] turn on effects everywhere fee1-dead-contrib:effects-everywhere 0
461 119220 no Uplift `clippy::invalid_null_ptr_usage` lint Urgau:uplift-invalid_null_ptr_usage b-naber 0
462 119229 no Update mingw-w64 + GNU toolchain mati865:update-mingw-toolchain Kobzol 0
463 119260 no Make broken MIR a proper lint. cjgillot:mir-lint TaKO8Ki 0
464 119351 no Treat `k#ident` keywords as valid tokens fee1-dead-contrib:myth WaffleLapkin 0
465 119355 no Add `-Zerror-metrics=PATH` to save diagnostic metadata to disk estebank:error_metrics compiler-errors 0
466 119515 no style-guide: Format single associated type `where` clauses on the same line joshtriplett:style-guide-gat-where-clause-same-line yaahc 0
467 119550 no Rename `AsyncIterator` back to `Stream`, introduce an AFIT-based `AsyncIterator` trait yoshuawuyts:async-iterator compiler-errors 0
468 119669 no Allow building stage1+ std with `panic=abort` clubby789:std-panic-strategy albertlarsan68 0
469 119741 no Update rustc_codegen_cranelift's dependencies cmuellner:update-cranelift bjorn3 0
470 119838 no style-guide: When breaking binops handle multi-line first operand better joshtriplett:style-guide-binop-indent calebcartwright 0
471 119844 no Remove duplicate section Arthur-Milchior:patch-1 Amanieu 0
472 119926 no Stabilize `--env-set` option GuillaumeGomez:stabilize-env-set davidtwco 0
473 120013 no coverage: Don't show coverage for code paths that must panic/diverge Zalathar:diverge 0
474 120127 no `adt_const_params`: check referred-to types when checking impls of ConstParamTy on refs sjwang05:issue-112124 BoxyUwU 0
475 120197 no Improve `E0617` to Distinguish Between Fn Item and Fn Pointer in FFI HTGAzureX1212:HTGAzureX1212/issue-69232-improve-error-617 estebank 0
476 120221 no Don't make statement nonterminals match pattern nonterminals compiler-errors:statements-are-not-patterns nnethercote 0
477 120234 no stabilise assert_matches Dylan-DPC:82775/stab/assert_matches m-ou-se 0
478 120370 no Likely unlikely fix x17jiri:likely_unlikely_fix cjgillot 0
479 120639 no [WIP] experiment with a new way of effects desugaring fee1-dead-contrib:new-effects-desugaring oli-obk 0
480 120698 no Fix and slightly improve `AstValidator` fmease:astvalidator-fixes compiler-errors 0
481 120700 no Stabilize associated type position impl Trait (ATPIT) traviscross:TC/stabilize-atpit oli-obk 0
482 120705 no Remove `suffix` from `MetaItemLit` camsteffen:lit-suffix-remove davidtwco 0
483 120752 no Collect relevant item bounds from trait clauses for nested rigid projections compiler-errors:more-relevant-bounds lcnr 0
484 120818 no rustdoc: add three-column layout for large desktops notriddle:notriddle/three-column fmease 0
485 120845 no debuginfo: Stabilize `-Z debug-macros`, `-Z collapse-macro-debuginfo` and `#[collapse_debuginfo]` petrochenkov:debmac oli-obk 0
486 120924 no Let's `#[expect]` some lints: Stabilize `lint_reasons` (RFC 2383) xFrednet:rfc-2383-stabilization-party wesleywiser 0
487 120990 no Suggest a borrow when using dbg chenyukang:yukang-fix-120327-dbg estebank 0
488 121174 no Check for occupied niches saethlin:codegen-niche-checks 0
489 121274 no Report a specialized error when a `'static` obligation comes from an `impl dyn Trait` estebank:implicit_static fmease 0
490 121334 no Raw fluent diagnostic structs davidtwco:raw-fluent-diagnostics nnethercote 0
491 121364 no Implement lint against unexpected unary precedence Urgau:unary_precedence wesleywiser 0
492 121553 no Lower struct patterns and struct expressions with unnamed fields frank-king:feature/unnamed-fields-hir davidtwco 0
493 121560 no Allow `#[deny]` inside `#[forbid]` as a no-op with a warning Nilstrieb:stop-lint-macro-nonsense TaKO8Ki 0
494 121676 no Support ?Trait bounds in supertraits and dyn Trait under a feature gate Bryanskiy:polarity traviscross 0
495 121682 no Fix ICE when there is a continue in a labeled block SarthakSingh31:cont-in-blk cjgillot 0
496 121766 no Reword E0277 default error message estebank:e0277-message-wording oli-obk 0
497 121880 no Run linking and incremental saving / finalizing in parallel Zoxc:link-task estebank 0
498 121909 no Drop AST on a separate thread and prefetch `hir_crate` Zoxc:drop-ast-task cjgillot 0
499 121920 no downgrade ptr.is_aligned_to crate-private Gankra:is_aligned_to m-ou-se 0
500 122049 no Promote riscv64gc-unknown-linux-musl to tier 2 Amanieu:riscv64-musl-tier2 Mark-Simulacrum 0
501 122145 no Support test output postprocessing by a child process. aspotashev:master epage 0
502 122156 no Represent diagnostic side effects as dep nodes Zoxc:side-effect-dep-node cjgillot 0
503 122161 no Fix suggestion when shorthand `self` has erroneous type compiler-errors:shorthand-self fmease 0
504 122288 no [Proof of concept] Recover from struct literals with placeholder path fmease:recover-bad-struct-lit-w-tyck compiler-errors 0
505 122308 no [WIP] [crater-only] Make a watered-down version of lazy type aliases the default fmease:lta-crater 0
506 122403 no Explicitly don't normalize param-env in new solver compiler-errors:explicitly-dont-normalize-in-new-solver lcnr 0
507 122408 no Use futex-based synchronization on Apple platforms joboet:apple_futex m-ou-se 0
508 122565 no Try to write the panic message with a single `write_all` call Zoxc:atomic-panic-msg the8472 0
509 122613 no Don't build a broken/untested profiler runtime on mingw targets Zalathar:profiler nnethercote 0
510 122661 no Assert that the first `assert!` expression is `bool` estebank:assert-macro-span pnkfelix 0
511 122668 no Add APIs for dealing with titlecase Jules-Bertholet:titlecase m-ou-se 0
512 122703 no Lazify more work in builtins targets Urgau:lazy-targets petrochenkov 0
513 122792 no Stabilize `min_exhaustive_patterns` Nadrieril:stabilize-min-exh-pats2 fee1-dead 0
514 122872 no [rustdoc] Detect and resolve ambiguities in fn parameters type names krtab:doc_diff_types GuillaumeGomez 0
515 122957 no Silence unnecessary "missing `dyn`" errors and tweak E0746 suggestions estebank:issue-121037 oli-obk 0
516 123013 no rustdoc: update `pulldown-cmark` to 0.10 stepantubanov:update-pulldown-cmark GuillaumeGomez 0
517 123046 no [WIP] Enforce may-define-must-define for ATPITs compiler-errors:deny-non-defining-use oli-obk 0
518 123082 no CFI: Fix fn items, closures, and Fn trait objects rcvalle:rust-cfi-fix-fn-items-closures-fn-trait-objects compiler-errors 0
519 123088 no Replace `f16` and `f128` pattern matching stubs with real implementations tgross35:f16-f128-pattern-analysis Nadrieril 0
520 123110 no Rename iter::Iterator::intersperse() to ::separate() lukaslueg:inter_separate dtolnay 0
521 123205 no Revert "CFI: Skip non-passed arguments" rcvalle:rust-cfi-revert-skip-non-passed-arguments compiler-errors 0
522 123220 no [blocked on design] [PoC]: rustdoc (html): add support for variances fmease:rustdoc-variances-html 0
523 123245 no Suggest Explicit Lifetime for Associated Type Bindings veera-sivarajan:bugfix-122025-missing-lifetime cjgillot 0
524 123248 no 1.78 release notes Mark-Simulacrum:relnotes cuviper 0
525 123319 no Add managarm as a tier 3 target no92:managarm-target davidtwco 0
526 123332 no never patterns: lower never patterns to `Unreachable` in MIR Nadrieril:testkind-never matthewjasper 0
527 123521 no CFI: Refactor: Split into modules maurer:module-split compiler-errors 0
528 123724 no Rewrite TLS on platforms without threads joboet:static_tls m-ou-se 0
529 123734 no Inline more svg images into CSS GuillaumeGomez:inline-svg-into-css notriddle 0
530 123948 no Async drop codegen (WIP) azhogin:azhogin/async-drop oli-obk 0
531 123958 no Delegation: partial generics support Bryanskiy:delegation-generics fmease 0
532 123962 no change method resolution to constrain hidden types instead of rejecting method candidates oli-obk:define_opaque_types5 compiler-errors 0
533 124014 no Collapse `-success` and `-failure` jobs into an `-outcome` job pietroalbini:pa-remove-jobs Kobzol 0
534 124050 no Remove libc from MSVC targets saethlin:less-sysroot-libc compiler-errors 0
535 124097 no Add `IntoIterator` for `Box<[T]>` + edition 2024-specific lints compiler-errors:box-into-iter WaffleLapkin 0
536 124135 no delegation: Implement glob delegation petrochenkov:deleglob fmease 0
537 124136 no Provide more context and suggestions in borrowck errors involving closures estebank:clone-o-rama-2 nnethercote 0
538 124141 no Remove `Nonterminal` and `TokenKind::Interpolated` nnethercote:rm-Nonterminal-and-TokenKind-Interpolated 0
539 99761 no Fix item-info color GuillaumeGomez:item-info-color jsha 0 always
540 118633 error no feed `def_span` in resolver bvanjoi:fix-118552 cjgillot 0 never
541 121200 failure yes Deduplicate object safety errors on `impl dyn Trait { .. }` estebank:inferred_outlives_of-impl davidtwco 0
542 105840 success Micro-optimize Ord::cmp for primitives saethlin:ord-cmp 0 never
543 109606 success Derive `PartialOrd::{l,g}{e,t}` for fieldless enums as explicit comparisons on `discriminant_value` thomcc:fieldless-discriminant-only-pord davidtwco 0 never
544 109645 success Slightly micro-optimize derive of PartialOrd thomcc:optimize_partialord_derive compiler-errors 0 never
545 111061 success [perf] Enable some more MIR optimizations cjgillot:reorder-passes 0 never
546 112049 success [do not merge] CI experiments Kobzol:pgo-omit-benchmarks 0 never
547 112279 success Stop considering moved-out locals when computing auto traits for generators nbdd0121:generator cjgillot 0 never
548 113125 success typeck: taint if errors found during writeback davidtwco:issue-112824-ctfe-type-mismatch-with-type-error compiler-errors 0 never
549 113382 success [perf] test MCP510 lqd:test-mcp510 0 never
550 114538 success Split marking and visit to compute live_symbols. cjgillot:split-live-symbols 0 never
551 114561 success Record an update graph of effective visibilities to avoid repeated HIR visit. cjgillot:eff-vis-graph petrochenkov 0 never
552 114669 success Make metadata a workproduct and reuse it cjgillot:metadata-wp petrochenkov 0 never
553 115362 success [WIP] Support param bounds on non-lifetime binders compiler-errors:non-lifetime-binder-where-clauses 0 never
554 115613 success Make create_def a side effect instead of marking the entire query as always red oli-obk:create_def_forever_red cjgillot 0 never
555 116316 success Remove eval_always from check_private_in_public. cjgillot:incr-privacy petrochenkov 0 never
556 116479 success Copy 1-/2-element arrays as scalars, not vectors scottmcm:no-1-simd davidtwco 0 never
557 116542 success Add range metadata to slice lengths the8472:slice-ref-len-validity cjgillot 0 never
558 117804 success Panic directly in Arguments::new* instead of recursing saethlin:no-recursive-panics m-ou-se 0 never
559 118854 success [DO NOT MERGE] Introduce mechanism to write compiler metrics to disk estebank:compiler-metrics cjgillot 0 never
560 119031 success [Experiment] Play with match lowering Nadrieril:two-phase-match-lowering 0 never
561 119471 success [perf only] Reimplement references debuginfo as projection. cjgillot:mir-composite-deref 0 never
562 119966 success Move TLS to rustc_query_system cjgillot:tls 0 never
563 120050 success `Vec::resize` for bytes should be a single `memset` scottmcm:vec-resize-memset m-ou-se 0 never
564 120168 success Relocate coroutine upvars into Unresumed state dingxiangfei2009:coroutine-upvar pnkfelix 0 never
565 120179 success Enable MultipleReturnTerminators by default. cjgillot:multiple-return 0 never
566 120525 success rustc_ast: FieldDef: remove span klensy:FieldDef-span oli-obk 0 never
567 120682 success [WIP] rewrite TrustedRandomAccess into two directional variants the8472:indexed-access 0 never
568 120686 success SimplifyConstCondition: Check moves for constants clubby789:mir-const-switchint 0 never
569 120901 success Add my encoding debugging rig saethlin:debuggable-encoding 0 never
570 121053 success Implement `#[skip]` for builtin derives clubby789:derive-skip fmease 0 never
571 121068 success [perf experiment] Only emit gep not gepi saethlin:no-inbounds 0 never
572 121150 success Add a fast-path to `Debug` ASCII `&str` Swatinem:debug-ascii-str cuviper 0 never
573 121220 success Add transmute range assumes for pointers too saethlin:assume-ptr-ranges 0 never
574 121270 success Disallow deriving (other than Copy/Clone) on types with unnamed fields clubby789:more-unnamed-fields-checks fmease 0 never
575 121355 success Use Box<[T]> for ProcessResult::Changed GnomedDev:process-result-box estebank 0 never
576 121397 success [WIP] Re-enable the early otherwise branch optimization DianQK:early_otherwise_branch_sound wesleywiser 0 never
577 121417 success [perf experiment] Ignore inline(always) in unoptimized builds saethlin:no-opt-no-inline 0 never
578 121505 success Replace impl Fn with fn in sort::merge_sort::RunVec GnomedDev:remove-runvec-generic scottmcm 0 never
579 121571 success Add assert_unsafe_precondition to unchecked_{add,sub,neg,mul,shl,shr} methods clarfonthey:unchecked-math-preconditions saethlin 0 never
580 121614 success Don't emit `expect`/`assume` in opt-level=0 clubby789:no-expect saethlin 0 never
581 122165 success Merge RedundantImport into UnusedImport for suggesting removing spans chenyukang:yukang-fix-121315-suggest-removing petrochenkov 0 never
582 122207 success Add cache-based fast path for cfgs and check-cfgs Urgau:cfg-check-cfg-cache petrochenkov 0 never
583 122329 success Redirect `__rust_dealloc` to `sdallocx` Zoxc:sdallocx petrochenkov 0 never
584 122505 success Don't walk the bodies of free constants for reachability. oli-obk:visit_nested_body2 tmiasko 0 never
585 122553 success make `Thin` a supertrait of `Sized` lukas-code:sized-thin lcnr 0 never
586 122662 success Omit non-needs_drop drop_in_place in vtables Mark-Simulacrum:optional-drop Mark-Simulacrum 0 never
587 122971 success Make slice iterators carry only a single provenance scottmcm:slice-iter-provenance-v2 the8472 0 never
588 123179 success Rework MIR inlining costs scottmcm:inlining-baseline-costs wesleywiser 0 never
589 123199 success Add `bound_clauses` field to `ty::Binder` compiler-errors:binder-field 0 never
590 123259 success Fixup `if T::CONST` in MIR scottmcm:tweak-if-const 0 never
591 123570 success Rub some #[inline] on formatting code saethlin:inline-formatting 0 never
592 123606 success Optimize core::str::Lines::count thomcc:thomcc/opt-lines 0 never
593 123610 success Default-enable share-generics, with available_externally to still allow inlining. Mark-Simulacrum:share-generics-available-externally Mark-Simulacrum 0 never
594 123669 success Avoid a scrape_region_constraints and instead register the region constraints directly oli-obk:eager_opaque_checks4 lcnr 0 never
595 123878 success optimize inplace collection of Vec jwong101:inplacecollect the8472 0 never
596 123886 success Avoid `alloca`s in codegen for simple `mir::Aggregate` statements scottmcm:more-rvalue-operands TaKO8Ki 0 never
597 124029 success Give RPITITs variances, so they can (not) capture lifetimes compiler-errors:rpitit-variances 0 never
598 124102 success rustdoc: link sibling where possible, even when not One True Path notriddle:notriddle/sibling-link GuillaumeGomez 0 never
599 124108 success Add `Box<[T; N]>: IntoIterator` without any method dispatch hacks compiler-errors:box-arr-into-iter 0 never
600 124129 success Enable `rust-lld` on nightly `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu` lqd:enable-lld Mark-Simulacrum 0 never
601 124157 success Do not add leading asterisk in the `PartialEq` wutchzone:partial_eq estebank 0 never
602 124256 success Remove `NtIdent` and `NtLifetime` nnethercote:rm-NtIdent-NtLifetime petrochenkov 0 never
603 124260 success Always inline traversal skeletons eggyal:inline-traversal-skeletons pnkfelix 0 never
604 124263 success Prefer not to early return from derived visitables eggyal:tco-derived-visits lcnr 0 never
605 124303 success (try) yes [perf] Make fulfill in method probe less bad compiler-errors:fulfill-slowdown lcnr 0 never
606 112365 success [experiment] Use new solver in MIR validator subtyping checks compiler-errors:mir-inline-check-better 0
607 117967 success Fix lifetime elision adetaylor:fix-lifetime-elision-bug lcnr 0
608 120095 success Experiment: lint resetting `mut` bindings Nadrieril:lint-resetting-mut b-naber 0
609 120248 success Make casts of pointers to trait objects stricter WaffleLapkin:bonk-ptr-object-casts TaKO8Ki 0
610 121659 success rustdoc: check parsing diffs between pulldown-cmark 0.9.6 and 0.10 notriddle:notriddle/bump-pulldown-cmark GuillaumeGomez 0
611 122003 success Build libunwind for pc-windows-gnullvm mati865:gnullvm-build-libunwind albertlarsan68 0
612 122412 success Stop skewing inference in ?'s desugaring WaffleLapkin:if-we-ask-question-mark-operator-to-not-screw-with-inference-will-it-obey fee1-dead 0
613 122955 success [experiment] Turn off never type fallback WaffleLapkin:no-more-fallback WaffleLapkin 0
614 123482 success [experiment] Set never type fallback = `!` WaffleLapkin:never-type-fallback-to-self 0
615 123737 success Check alias args for WF even if they have escaping bound vars compiler-errors:alias-wf 0
616 123909 success Stabilize `Utf8Chunks` dtolnay:utf8chunks joboet 0
617 124305 success [crater] make `where_clauses_object_safety` forbid compiler-errors:deny-wc lcnr 0
618 124336 success [crater] Enforce supertrait outlives obligations hold when confirming impl compiler-errors:super-outlives lcnr 0

Open retry log